Bitcoin Lottery for 25th week 2012

This is third week of our lottery. Here you can win free bitcoins directly to your digital wallet. 25th week of 2012 is from Monday June 18, 2012 until (and including) Sunday June 24, 2012. 25th Week of 2012 – Bitcoin Lottery How to participate in our lottery? It’s very simple: just enter your bitcoin […]

24th week lottery results

Bitcoin lottery results for 24th week of 2012 Total number of paricipants: 35 And the winner is: 19VNCaKDi76Ax5HfMq6rnZsZEEVuaxJF7B Drawing protocol is available here:×358 Transaction ID for the winner: ec0aa80be08e1dc5661b1822a0e1ceca2e0e179b8c61d4bfb17b9d6f637ab865 Prize for next week is 0.3 BTC, feel free to join our lottery again!

Can you type quite fast?

Yes? Then there is a job for you. You can easily earn extra income by typing data entry online. You can work one, two, three or more hours a day and get paid for it. Unfortunately no bitcoins – only fiat currency (USD) available at this time. Payments can be made to PayPal or Liberty […]

Russia vs Poland 12th June 2012

Russia vs Poland on 12th June 2012. Russia will NOT beat Poland in Euro 2012 ! Bet your bitcoins on Russia or Poland. We will see the results tomorrow: